Sunday, December 13, 2020, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Advent 3, 21 min., Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant, theme: pre-Christmas preparation and blessings, prayer for the pandemic by The Most Revd. Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury; Nancy Jamrog-Couret: organ, piano, vocals; Chris Wright, reader: Romans, Ch. 16, v. 25-27 and Luke, Ch. 1, v. 26-38; Therese Wright, vocal: “Sing of Mary,” and “Little Child Come” with lyrics by Vicar Pat Henking; Nancy Jamrog-Couret introduces two songs about Mary: “The Magnificat” sung by Amanda Goddard and “Song of Mary” sung by Lynn McKenna; Rev. Sue LeSueur on trust and the story of Mary–the suspension, during uncertain times, between hope and fulfillment and between possibility and reality, benediction; closing hymn: “Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones;” Bob Hughes: videographer; Aili Zong: technical assistant.