Easter 6 – Rogation Sunday – Mother’s Day

Sunday, May 9, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Easter 6 – Rogation Sunday (Mother’s Day), 28 min. Opening Hymn 204, Now The Green Blade Rises, Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ; Hymn 291, We Plough The Fields And Scatter, Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ; Hymn 416, For the Beauty of the Earth, Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; “Blessings on Rogation Tide, a season of asking, of planting, and remembering;” “Pray for good seasons;” Collect of the Day; 2 collects from the NZ Prayer Book for Mothering Sunday; Collect and prayer for Rogation Sunday. Hymn 742 (WLP), Loving Spirit, Nancy Jamrog-Couret, voice & piano. First reading, 1 John 5:1-6, Sue Gaillardetz, reader. Inch By Inch, Row By Row, Chris and Therese Wright, voice and guitar. The Gospel of John 15:9-17, Sue Gaillardetz, reader. Welcome To The Table, music and lyrics by Nancy Jamrog-Couret. Vicar Pat Henking on the Gospel of John: “What it means to love, love everything, remember to love, no walls – no discrimination, to love one another not only as Christ or our mother loved us but love each other as friends.” You Got A Friend In Me, guitar and voice, Claire and Dad Crosby. Vicar Pat Henking, remarks on prayer and remembering to pay attention to those we love; closing prayer. Closing Hymn 397, Now Thank We All Our God, Nancy Jamrog-Couret, voice and organ. Videographer, Bob Hughes; Technical assistant, Aili Zong.