Sunday, July 18, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 8, 30 min. Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us, Hymn 708; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; Collect for the Eighth Sunday in Pentecost brings news to the ancient image of shepherds in the form of song meditation of the scripture of Jeremiah. First reading, Jeremiah 23:1-6; Bob Hughes, reader. Psalm 23, a video presentation by ISRAEL U contrasting the natural scenery of the stark land with the lush greenery of biblical verbiage. One Lost Sheep; music and lyrics, Nancy Jamrog-Couret; sung by Joanne Bilancieri. The Gospel of Mark 6;30-34, 53-56; Bob Hughes, reader. Vicar Pat on the warning to those who scatter the Lord’s sheep far and wide, the notion of sheep without a shepherd, and the prospect of becoming home together with Christ who is never too far away. There Is Only Home; music and lyrics by Jenny LeJoye. Kingdom of Love, My Shepherd Is, Hymn 645; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, July & August announcements; benediction and Irish Blessing. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, Hymn 653; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Bob Hughes, videographer; Technical assistant, Aili Zong