Sunday, October 3, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 19 – The Feast of St. Francis, 32 min. Lead Us Heavenly Father, Lead Us, Hymn 559; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant, on pets and St. Francis of Assisi; in Christ we are all made one including all of earth’s creation; Collect for the Feast of St. Francis; Collect for the 19th Sunday After Pentecost. Prayer of St. Francis; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, music, lyrics, and voice; Bob Hughes, voice and guitar. Genesis 2:18-24; Bob Hughes, reader. A Place in the Choir; video of parishioners’ pets Therese Wright, voice; Chris Wright, voice and guitar. The Gospel of Mark 10-2-16; Bob Hughes, reader. Vicar Pat Henking, “The lesson of Genesis extolls the wonders and joys of all creatures;” “There is in Christ a recognition that we are one with all things, yet we find ourselves apart:” hard-heartedness separates us; exploring the role of helpers or partners that bring us closer to one another; the presence of Christ transforms us; St. Francis finds his joy in poverty. The Canticle of Creation, a music video. Vicar Pat Henking, announcements; A Prayer for the Knowledge of God’s Creation; happy birthday wishes for Jimmy Carter; a blessing from the Service of Matrimony; dismissal. Fairest Lord Jesus, Hymn 385; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Bob Hughes, videographer.