The following is the document that establishes the Wheeler Memorial Chapel Trust and the charter that governs its management of the property.
Trust deed – John Wheeler to Francis A. Gordon, Levi F. Lowell, Fred F. Walker, George Butterfield and Anson A. Platte, Trustees dated 8 May 1889 recorded at volume 501, page 3 of the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds.
Know all men by these presents that whereas, John Wheeler of Merrimack, in the County of Hillsborough and State New Hampshire desire to erect a building to be known as “Wheeler Memorial Chapel” for the benefit of the people of the village of Reeds’ Ferry in said town, where I reside, in consideration of the love and esteem in which I hold said, people, I do hereby transfer, quitclaim and deed the following piece of real estate with such building or buildings as I may erect or cause to be erected thereon, to Francis A. Gordon, Levi F. Lowell, Fred F. Walker, George Butterfield and Anson A. Platte all of said Merrimack and their duly appointed successors forever, to be held by them in trust for the benefit of the people of Reeds Ferry aforesaid and known as “Wheeler Memorial Chapel” to be used for sanctuary, religious and literary purposes and shall be conducive to the best moral and religious interests of the community: and said Trustees and their successors are hereby enjoined to guard faithfully their interests. And it is hereby also provided that whenever any vacancy shall exist in said board of Trustees by death or otherwise the remaining members of said board are empowered to fill such vacancy by the appointment in writing of a successor or successors, such appointment to be recorded in the county records where this deed is recorded, provided however that said appointees shall be resident of said town. Said piece of real estate is described as follows, to wit; a lot of land with such buildings as have been referred to above situated on the West side of the main highway leading from Manchester to Nashua in the village of Reeds Ferry aforesaid and bounded as follows, to wit; beginning at a point on said highway one hundred and sixty feet south of the Parsonage Lot so called, and running thence Westerly at right angles with said road one hundred and eighteen feet thence Southerly parallel with said road seventy feet thence Easterly to said road one hundred and eighteen feet, thence by said road Northerly to place of beginning seventy feet. |
Next see the Trust Mission page.