Pentecost 22
Sunday, October 24, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 22, 25 min. Praise My Soul the King of Heaven, Hymn 410; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; the calling of Bartimaeus by the disciples that suggests that faith, with encouragement from others, can lead to good outcomes ; Collect for the …
Pentecost 21 – Welcome Curate Michael Reinke
Sunday, October 17, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 21, 23 min. O Love How Deep, Hymn 448; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; noting the passing of Cybil Spence; a discussion on the idea of service as featured in today’s gospel lesson; the notion that service embodies “generosity and the …
Pentecost 20
Sunday, October 10, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 20, 18 min. O God Our Help In Ages Past, Hymn 620; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Collect for the 20th Sunday After Pentecost; Bob Hughes, reader. Amos 5:6-7, 10-15; Rita MacAuslan, reader. Change My Heart O God; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, music, lyrics, and voice; Bob …
Pentecost 19 – The Feast of St. Francis
Sunday, October 3, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 19 – The Feast of St. Francis, 32 min. Lead Us Heavenly Father, Lead Us, Hymn 559; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant, on pets and St. Francis of Assisi; in Christ we are all made one including all of earth’s creation; …
Pentecost 18 – In Memory of Fern Jones
Sunday, September 26, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 18 – In Memory of Fern Jones, 43 min. Let All the Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Hymn 324; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; the gospel for St. Michael and All Angels, John 1:47-51; referring to the visual of angles descending and …
Chapel Activities – Fall 2021
Faith Episcopal Church – A mission of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire – The Rt. Rev. A. Robert Hirschfeld, Bishop of New Hampshire; The Rev. Patricia E. Henking, Vicar; The Rev. Michael B. Reinke, Curate; Nancy E. Jamrog-Couret, Music Director; Chris Wright, Guitar; Jane Howard, Sr. Warden; Therese Wright, Jr. Warden. Follow these links …
Pentecost 17
Sunday, September 19, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 17, 24 min. O Master Let Me Walk with Thee, Hymn 660; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant, asks what we can do about fear, anxiety, and worry in our lives; the Collect for the Day suggests we ask God for the …
Pentecost 16 – In Memory of Kay Furbish
Sunday, September 12, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 16 – In Memory of Kay Furbish and 9-11, 26 min. God of Grace and God of Glory, Hymn 594; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant. Stories and the lasting power they retain. Remembering the life of Katina (Kay) Furbish, and the …
Pentecost 15
Sunday, September 5, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 15, 29 min. Come Labor On, Hymn 541; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; re-syncing service to the church in terms of voluntary versus obligatory participation; “What is the work in a work of art?” “Where does it start and end?” “What …