Category «Faith Church News»

Lent 2 – Second Sunday in Lent

Sunday, March 13, 2022, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Lent 2 – Second Sunday in Lent, 21 min. Opening hymn; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant: the story of St. Patrick, “a story of redemption, love, commitment, and grace;” Collect for Second Sunday of Lent; Collect for St. Patrick’s Day. Philippians 3:17-4:1; …

Lent 1 – First Sunday in Lent

Sunday, March 6, 2022, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Lent 1 – First Sunday in Lent, 28 min. If Thou but Trust in God to Guide Thee, Hymn 635; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant: “So hard to take it all in;” “So much is on our minds at this time;” “What …

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, March 2, 2022, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Ash Wednesday, 13 min. Come to Me, vocal from the album Locust and Wild Honey by the Monks of Weston Priory. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant: the beckoning of The Gospel of Matthew 11:28-30; “the essence of the gospel is to say, Come! Come closer!” …

Epiphany 8 – Dixieland Sunday

Sunday, February 27, 2022, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Epiphany 8 – Dixieland Sunday, 39 min. A video history of past FEC Dixieland Sunday music celebrations. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant: semper fidelis, “always faithful,” no exceptions; “It’s been a rough week in our world” emerging from a pandemic, war beginning in Europe, inflation …

Epiphany 7 – Presidents’ Day Weekend

Sunday, February 20, 2022, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Epiphany 7 – Presidents’ Day Weekend, 34 min. Come thou fount of every blessing, Hymn 686; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant: congratulations to the Rev. Michael Reinke on his ordination to the priesthood this weekend; Collect for Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany, …

Epiphany 6

Sunday, February 13, 2022, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Epiphany 6, 26 min. Christ for the world we sing, Hymn 537; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant: a February punctuated by President’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and sports; prayer by Berton Braley, Prayer of the Sportsman; a passage from Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address; …

Epiphany 5

Sunday, February 6, 2022, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Epiphany 5, 32 min. Thy strong word did cleave the darkness, Hymn 381; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; a tribute to composer emeritus, John Williams, heroes, those who summon heroes, and to divine guidance; a prayer from a Christian hero, St. Augustine; …

Epiphany 4

Sunday, January 30, 2022, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Epiphany 4, 34 min. Love Divine, Hymn 657; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; introductory prayer; intercessory prayer drawn from British resources during the pandemic remembering Bob Knoll, Kate & Zack, and others who may be suffering in these difficult times. 1st Corinthians …

Epiphany 3 – Annual Meeting Sunday

Sunday, January 23, 2022, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Epiphany 3 – Annual Meeting Sunday, 28 min. Spacious Firmament on High, Hymn 409; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; a homily on joy and how we share it; “for the joy of the Lord is our strength” as proclaimed in the reading …