Tag «video»

Pentecost 10 – A Special Program

Sunday, August 1, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 10 – A Special Program, 32 min. Sing, theme from Sesame Street, FEC choir; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, piano. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; On the contrasting spirits of our time, a reference to the Charles Dickens novel, A Tale of Two Cities, and a suggested …

Pentecost 9

Sunday, July 25, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 9, 27 min. God, my king, thy might confessing; Hymn 414; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; Collect for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost; Prayer for Ice Cream. First reading, Ephesians 3:14-21; Dawn MacKechnie, reader. The Greatest Commandment; music and lyrics, Nancy …

Pentecost 8

Sunday, July 18, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 8, 30 min. Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us, Hymn 708; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; Collect for the Eighth Sunday in Pentecost brings news to the ancient image of shepherds in the form of song meditation of the scripture of …

Pentecost 7

Sunday, July 11, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 7, 25 min. Come Thou Font Of Every Blessing, Hymn 686; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; Collect for the Seventh Sunday in Pentecost; By what means can we discern the truth? How do we find truth in scripture? What are your …

Pentecost 6 – 4th of July

Sunday, July 4, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 6, 23 min. Guide Us Lord Of All, music, lyrics, and voice by Nancy Jamrog-Couret. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant, Collect for Independence Day; a prayer read at Mt Vernon on Public Wreath Laying Day; a prayer by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. A reading …

Pentecost 5

Sunday, June 27, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 5, 28 min. Spread O Spirit, Hymn 530; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant, on the connection between our foundation in Christ, the cornerstone, and healing of ourselves and others; Collect for Pentecost 5. A reading from 2 Corinthians 8:7-15; Bob Hughes, …

Pentecost 4 – Father’s Day

Sunday, June 20, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 4, 23 min. Faith of Our Fathers; Hymn 558; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant, welcomes visitors to the re-opening of our chapel on Father’s Day, remembering our fathers, and celebrating the new federal holiday, Juneteenth National Independence Day; Prayer for Our …

Pentecost 3

Sunday, June 13, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 3, 30 min. Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us; Hymn 559; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ and choir. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; How are we in a season of hope and stark contrasts? Collect for the Third Sunday in Pentecost; prayer for the Future of …

Pentecost 2

Sunday, June 6, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Pentecost 2, 22 min. Hymn 569; God the Omnipotent; Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant; Collect of the Day and Collect for the Human Family honoring the anniversaries of the death of George Floyd and the Tulsa massacre; Old Testament scripture about Adam …

Trinity Sunday 2021 – Memorial Day

Sunday, May 30, 2021, Faith Episcopal Church, Merrimack, NH; Mini-Service video: Trinity Sunday 2021 – Memorial Day, 23 min. Hymn 362, Holy, Holy, Holy, and Hymn 423, Immortal, Invisible, Nancy Jamrog-Couret, organ. Vicar Pat Henking, celebrant, on remembering songs of the past, what they mean to you and what they mean to others, especially veterans …